North Facing House PlanNorth Facing House Plan

Is north facing House Plan good?

According to Vastu Shastra in “North Facing House Plan“, an ancient Indian architectural and design philosophy, the placement of the main door in a home is crucial. While all directions can be suitable depending on the door’s placement, according to Vastu Shastra, north-facing houses are considered especially auspicious. This belief stems from the idea that when the main door faces north, it aligns with the direction associated with Kuber, the Hindu deity considered the God of wealth. Therefore, it is believed that residing in a north-facing house can potentially invite financial prosperity and advancement into one’s life according to Vastu principles.

In Vastu Shastra, the alignment of a house’s main door is believed to influence the flow of energy (or “prana”) entering the home. North is associated with the planet Mercury and the direction of Kuber, the deity associated with wealth and abundance. Consequently, it’s believed that a north-facing entrance allows positive energies to flow into the house, potentially attracting prosperity and financial well-being to the residents. Followers of Vastu Shastra often prioritize aligning their homes in ways that are believed to optimize the flow of positive energies for various aspects of life, including wealth and success.

Vastu Shastra’s principles are deeply rooted in the belief that cosmic energies influence our lives, and the proper alignment of spaces, especially homes, can harmonize these energies to benefit individuals. According to Vastu, north is considered an auspicious direction associated with prosperity and growth. When the main door of a house faces north, it’s believed to invite beneficial energies linked with wealth, opportunities, and financial progress into the home. Adherents of Vastu Shastra often follow these guidelines in the hope of creating a conducive environment that enhances various aspects of life, including prosperity, health, and relationships, by aligning with the flow of positive energies.

In conclusion, according to Vastu Shastra, the correct placement of a house’s main door is essential as it influences the flow of energies within the living space. While all directions can be suitable, a north-facing main door is considered particularly auspicious as it aligns with the direction associated with Kuber, the God of wealth. This alignment is believed to attract positive energies related to financial prosperity and advancement into the lives of the inhabitants, in line with the principles of Vastu Shastra.

What is north facing house plan?

A north facing house plan is designed so that the main entrance, or a significant portion of the house, faces towards the north direction. In architectural terms, this layout considers the positioning of rooms, windows, and overall design to maximize sunlight and minimize heat gain throughout the day. This orientation can potentially offer better natural lighting and warmth to specific areas of the house, especially in regions with a moderate climate.

Certainly! Here are a few additional aspects typically associated with a north facing house plan:

Sunlight: North facing homes often receive consistent indirect sunlight throughout the day. This can be advantageous for areas like living rooms, bedrooms, or spaces where a more consistent, gentle light is preferred.

Energy Efficiency: In certain climates, a north-facing orientation can help regulate indoor temperatures more effectively, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling systems. This can contribute to energy efficiency and lower utility costs.

Comfort: Rooms facing north might stay cooler in warmer climates, making them more comfortable during hot weather. Additionally, these areas might require less artificial lighting during the day due to the natural light they receive.

Design Considerations: Architects and builders often optimize the layout of a north-facing house to maximize the benefits of natural light while considering the specific climate conditions, ensuring the home remains comfortable year-round.

Challenges: While there are advantages, some potential drawbacks include limited direct sunlight in certain areas, which might impact plant growth or the warmth of certain spaces during colder seasons. Additionally, in some regions, a north-facing orientation might not be as beneficial due to specific climatic conditions.

Overall, a north-facing house plan takes advantage of natural light and aims to provide a comfortable living environment while considering the climate and orientation of the house.

Some North Facing House Plan Design According To Vastu Shastra With Low Cost Estimates

33’X35′ 3 Bedroom House Plan | North Facing House Plan | Download PDF

30’x29′ 1 Bedroom House Plan | North Facing House Plan | Download PDF

21’x26′ 1 Bedroom House Plan | North Facing House Plan | Download PDF

33’x27′ 3 Bedroom House Plan | North Facing House Plan | Download PDF

28’x25′ 2 Bedroom House Plan | North Facing House Plan | Download PDF

29’x24′ Low Cost 2 Bedroom House Plan | North Facing House Plan | Download PDF

44’x33′ 4 Bedroom House Plan | North Facing House Plan | Download PDF

43’x28′ 4 Bedroom House Plan | North Facing Hose Plan | Download PDF

33’x43′ 4 Bedroom House Plan | North Facing House Plan| Download PDF

33’X37′ 3 Bedroom House Plan | North Facing House Plan | Download PDF

33’X31′ 3 Bedroom House Plan | North Facing House Plan | Download PDF

33’x29′ 2 Bedroom House Plan | North Facing House Plan | Download PDF

What are the advantages of north facing houses?

North facing houses have several perceived advantages, although the benefits might vary based on geographical location, climate, and individual preferences. Some advantages associated with north facing houses include:

  • Better Sunlight: In many regions, a north facing house receives ample natural light throughout the day, especially in colder climates. It allows for consistent, indirect sunlight, avoiding direct exposure to intense heat in warmer climates.
  • Energy Efficiency: North facing homes often have more consistent temperatures, minimizing the need for excessive heating or cooling. This can lead to reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills.
  • Garden and Outdoor Spaces: Gardens and outdoor spaces in the northern part of the house often receive more consistent sunlight without being exposed to extreme heat, which can be favorable for growing plants and creating pleasant outdoor living areas.
  • Comfortable Interiors: Rooms facing north may have more even, diffused light, providing a comfortable ambiance and reducing glare compared to direct sunlight from other orientations.
  • Health Benefits: Adequate natural light exposure in a north-facing house can contribute to better mental health, mood, and productivity. It also ensures rooms receive beneficial morning sunlight.
  • Favorable Orientation: In some cultures or practices like Vastu Shastra or Feng Shui, north-facing houses are considered auspicious, bringing positive energy and well-being to the occupants.
  • Stable Property Value: North-facing homes might be sought after in real estate due to the perceived benefits, potentially maintaining or increasing their property value.

However, it’s essential to note that the advantages of a north facing house might not apply universally and could depend on various factors such as the local climate, design considerations, and personal preferences. Some individuals may prefer different orientations based on their specific needs or environmental conditions in their area.

What are the disadvantages of north facing house?

While north facing houses have certain advantages, there are also some potential disadvantages:

  1. Less Sunlight in Winter: In colder climates, a north-facing house might receive less direct sunlight during the winter months, leading to potential challenges in warming the interiors naturally and reliance on heating systems.
  2. Limited Natural Light in Certain Areas: Rooms situated at the rear or southern side of a north facing house may receive limited natural light compared to rooms at the front, potentially leading to darker spaces.
  3. Challenges for Gardens: Gardens or outdoor spaces in the northern part of the house may receive less direct sunlight, affecting plant growth and limiting the types of plants that thrive in these areas.
  4. Potential for Dampness: In some regions, north facing houses might experience more moisture or dampness due to limited direct sunlight, potentially leading to issues like mold or mildew growth if proper ventilation is not maintained.
  5. Cooler Interiors in Tropical Regions: In warmer climates, a north-facing house might have cooler interiors, which can be advantageous during summers but may require additional heating during colder periods.
  6. Varied Property Preferences: Some buyers or occupants might prefer other orientations due to personal preferences, cultural beliefs, or the design requirements of the house.
  7. Potential for Reduced Resale Value: In certain real estate markets or regions, north-facing homes might be less sought after compared to other orientations, potentially affecting property resale value.

It’s important to note that the disadvantages of a north-facing house can vary based on factors such as geographical location, local climate, design considerations, and individual preferences. While some may view certain aspects as disadvantages, others might see them as beneficial features depending on their specific needs and circumstances.

North facing house plans with photos

North Facing House Plan
North Facing House Plan
North Facing House Plan
North Facing House Plan
North Facing House Plan
North Facing House Plan

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